Lip Fillers

I love creating natural looking lip enhancements and believe less is more where lip fillers are concerned.

My precise technique, excellent knowledge of lip anatomy (for safer administration) and the high quality product I use are the key to great results, in order to:-

  • create more lip height without unnatural side profile projection

  • define the Cupid’s bow and create a pretty M shaped top lip

  • replace lip volume which has been lost over the years

  • correct uneven lips or any asymmetries

Lip Filler is an injectable product of synthetic hyaluronic acid (HA) which can last between 6 and 12 months (depending on how you metabolise dermal fillers). I use “JUVERDERM Ⓡ Ultra Smile” which has been specifically designed for lip enhancement and lip definition. It is a really smooth product which blends well with the lip tissue to achieve a natural, smooth appearance.

The Lip Fillers I use in my Clinic are purchased from a UK Registered Pharmacy.

Lip Enhancement
0.5ml £135
1ml £210
(Most clients find 0.5ml is enough to achieve a lovely natural result)
Dissolve Lip Filler

FREE Consultation
I offer a free face to face consultation to discuss what you would like to achieve and the treatment options available to you (no obligation to book in for any treatment).